SASS Shooters love it... Ken Rucker's Auto-Buster(tm) Dual Spring Recoil Reduction System installed on the butt of your shotgun and covered by a custom leather boot, giving you the comfort and competitive edge you need to WIN, WIN, WIN !!
It's the Old West-Buster (tm) by Speedbump Stockworks. Take a look at our photos and shooter comments and call us to get your very own Old West-Buster and shoot to WIN!!! Then get some great photos and send them to us at for all the world to see what you and your Old West-Buster can do!
Call Ken at 903-815-6535
"Gunstock Smith" SASS #85579
"Gunstock Smith" SASS #85579
Carolyn 903-209-5074
"Miss Cubbie" SASS #84627
"Miss Cubbie" SASS #84627
for an appointment and/or
shipping information please call
shipping information please call